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07 April 2009

The two boys in Sweden

This was not really a photoshoot, but these boys are just two adoreables so i dedicated a spot for them. The littlelest boy was really sick at this time.

Hey whatcha doin' out there?
Tittut (peek-a-boo in Swedish)

Look at those icy eyes. Mama and Papa both have brown eyes.


The view from the side of a child is just amazing i think. Its like a cartoon :-)
Someones up for trouble?


En mamma mitt i vardagen. said...

Kan ju vara att jag e rätt partiskt i denna frågan MEN vad du e duktig på att ta kort!! hihi puss!


Johanna is a photographer who came to California 5 years ago to explore the country.

She fell in love with California, and she fell in love with a man. Got married. And decided to pursue photography as a career.

She enjoys photographing most things here in life and always thriving to tell a story with her photographs.

Want to Buy my Photos?

If you are interested in buying any of my Landscapes or Fine art photographs, Contact me by email or check in my shop on ETSY where I sell some of them.

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